Knowledge Base of Eating Disorders

Our knowledge base is a resource dedicated to providing information to individuals and their families about the signs, effects, causes, and treatment options for bulimia nervosa, as well as other eating disorders and co-occurring conditions.

Bulimia Nervosa Awareness

Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a specific type of eating disorder revolving around cycles of binging and purging. Affecting people of all genders, BN has a prevalence of approximately 0.5-1.5%. The disorder can have grave effects on someone’s health, but thankfully, a majority of people who seek treatment for bulimia nervosa are able to recover.

  • Patient in doctor's office about mouth/jaw

    Bulimia Jaw Pain and Swelling

    You’ve probably seen photos of the so-called “bulimia jaw.” Before-and-after snaps can be striking, particularly if they show people with cheeks puffed up by repeated vomiting.

  • Body image

    Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa | Body Image Negativity

    Body image is an important aspect of how we see ourselves and can contribute significantly to our mental and emotional well-being.

  • Stomach issues

    Bulimia & GERD: Causes, Signs & Treatment 

    Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a serious eating disorder that involves cycles of binge eating and compensating for this behavior through fasting, over-exercise, self-induced vomiting, or other unhelpful actions.

  • Anorexia vs. Bulimia: The Key Differences

    Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are both serious eating disorders that impact mental, physical, and emotional health.

  • Bulimia heart problems

    Bulimia Heart Problems: How Bulimia Nervosa Affects the Heart

    Bulimia nervosa (BN) and other eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa (AN), have a close association with heart issues and other cardiovascular diseases. [1] Indeed, some of the most serious medical complications caused by eating disorders are related to cardiovascular health. 

  • DBT for Bulimia | Proven Recovery Therapies

    Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a serious mental health condition that can have adverse consequences on someone’s emotional, physical, and mental health.

Research & Data

Explore the many original research and data collection projects we have conducted

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are one of the most dangerous types of mental health disorder, responsible for an estimated 10,200 deaths every year. There are a number of different types of eating disorders, which all impact people in different ways.

  • How to help someone with an eating disorder

    How to Help Someone Who Has an Eating Disorder 

    Watching a friend, family member, or loved one struggle with an eating disorder can be incredibly difficult. Though you want to help, you may be unsure how to help someone with an eating disorder.

  • Patient with a doctor

    Am I Anorexic? Questions to Ask Yourself

    If you are asking yourself, “Am I anorexic?” there’s a good chance you are. It can be helpful to know exactly what the eating disorder is and how to recognize the potential warning signs.

  • Patient speaking with a doctor

    The Physical Side Effects of Anorexia (Short-Term & Long-Term)

    Anorexia nervosa (AN) is an eating disorder characterized by an intense fear of gaining weight, severe food and caloric restriction, and a distorted body image.1

  • Anorexia vs. Bulimia: The Key Differences

    Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are both serious eating disorders that impact mental, physical, and emotional health.

  • Tips to Practice Healthy Eating 

    When people hear the word “diet,” they may automatically think that the recommendations of the eating plan are healthy. But, in many cases, that’s actually far from the truth.

  • Types of eating disorders

    How to Spot the Signs of an Eating Disorder 

    The signs of an eating disorder can vary widely, depending on the type of eating disorder and the specific physiology, medical history, and present circumstances of the person. Still, some signs are more common across all those factors.

Treatment Information

The most effective treatment for bulimia nervosa is the one that restores your physical and mental health while keeping you safe. Almost half of all people with bulimia seek out treatment, and all of them should get individualized care. 

  • How to help someone with an eating disorder

    How to Help Someone Who Has an Eating Disorder 

    Watching a friend, family member, or loved one struggle with an eating disorder can be incredibly difficult. Though you want to help, you may be unsure how to help someone with an eating disorder.

  • Bulimia Nervosa Treatment

    Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a dangerous mental health disorder that requires appropriate care. And luckily, there are a number of therapies and treatments that can help.

  • Evidence-Based Eating Disorder Treatment

    Thanks to several interlocking social, emotional, and biological factors that maintain and sustain them, eating disorders are often one of the most complex types of mental health conditions to diagnose and properly treat.

  • UnitedHealthcare Coverage for Bulimia Treatment 

    UnitedHealthcare plans typically cover eating disorder treatment, including treatment for bulimia nervosa (BN). The company acknowledges the importance of eating disorder treatment on its site, highlighting the importance of getting care for these conditions.

  • Choosing an eating disorder therapist

    Choosing an Eating Disorder Therapist, Program, or Rehab 

    Eating disorders like anorexia nervosa (AN), bulimia nervosa (BN), and binge eating disorder (BED) are complex mental health conditions that often require comprehensive care that takes someone’s emotional, physical, and mental health into account.

  • Cobra insurance coverage for eating disorders

    COBRA Coverage for Bulimia Treatment 

    The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, most commonly known as COBRA, is a law that allows you to extend insurance coverage after leaving your job. Whether you left your job because of voluntary or involuntary job loss, under COBRA, you can continue your insurance benefits through your former employer’s group plan for a specific time…