Category: Eating Disorder
The Impact of Eating Disorders on Body Image
Negative body image and eating disorders are closely related, with negative body image being one of the most well-understood precursors to the development of an eating disorder.
Food Addiction Treatment Hotline
Food addiction is an issue we’re only beginning to understand and thoroughly research, but there are a number of resources that can help with this condition and other associated disorders.
Eating Disorders With Substance Use Disorder
Eating disorders and substance use disorders (SUDs) often coexist.
Researchers say up to 50% of people with diagnosed eating disorders use illicit drugs or alcohol, while 35% of people who are dependent on alcohol or drugs have an eating disorder. This represents rates 5 times and 11 times greater than what’s seen in the general population, respectively. [1]
Food Addiction: A Misleading (and Harmful) Term
As science, medicine, and culture continue to evolve, more attention has been paid to the concept of addiction and the biological and psychological mechanisms that lead to these types of unhelpful, compulsive behaviors.
Choosing the Best Eating Disorder Treatment Centers
If you or a loved one are struggling with an eating disorder, you’ll likely want to enroll in a treatment program as quickly as possible. And while it’s important to get help in a timely manner, some time should be taken to consider the type of treatment facility you choose.
Amenorrhea and Anorexia
Amenorrhea is the absence of menstrual periods in biological women.
Certain scenarios have been known to naturally bring about this condition, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, certain hormonal contraceptives, and menopause. But sometimes, amenorrhea is a sign of a deeper problem.
Eating Disorder Statistics & Trends
Eating disorders affect a small percentage of the overall population, but that still translates to millions of people who are impacted by these conditions.
And research suggests that many more people silently struggle with an eating disorder without ever being officially diagnosed.
Eating Disorders in the LGBTQ Community
Eating disorders touch people of all ages, sizes, and orientations. But sadly, some groups, including the LGBTQ+ community, tend to be disproportionately affected by these conditions.
As a whole, LGBTQ+ people struggle with eating disorders more frequently than those in the hetero-normative community. And many people identifying as LGBTQ+ face multiple treatment barriers.
Sample Letters to Insurance Companies for Eating Disorder Treatment
Eating disorder treatment is covered by a large number of insurance policies. But most require families and their doctors to prove that care is needed; sometimes, care teams and insurance administrators disagree about how treatment should work.

The Impact of Media on Eating Disorders
A variety of overlapping factors often cause eating disorders.
And while biological influences account for many of the underlying causes of these conditions, exposure to media can impact body dissatisfaction, increasing the rates of disordered eating and playing a role in the development of an eating disorder. [1]
The Dangers of ‘Pro Ana’ Websites
Pro-anorexia websites and similar content represent a significant source of potential harm to people struggling with anorexia nervosa (AN) or those at risk of developing it.
These sources spread dangerous misinformation and can encourage unhealthy ways of viewing one’s own body and the bodies of others.
Death From Anorexia: What Happens to the Body?
Anorexia nervosa (AN) is a serious mental health condition that can profoundly change a person’s health over time.
Statistics on Anorexia in Men & Boys
The numbers around men with anorexia and eating disorders may be misleading. For example, a frequently quoted statistic is that 10% of anorexia cases are male, but even that statistic may be inaccurate, with some studies indicating the ratio may be higher.
Commonly Prescribed Medications for Anorexia
At present, there is no single medication for anorexia that can replace the benefits therapies can provide. However, some medications can address a few of the mental health symptoms many people with anorexia develop.
The Connection Between Anorexia & Genetics
Anorexia and genetics have a connection, although researchers aren’t exactly sure in what way. If you have people in your immediate family who suffer from anorexia or other eating disorders, be mindful of that fact and consider adopting healthy habits to reduce your risk of developing an eating disorder yourself.
Bulimia vs. Binge Eating: Key Differences
Bulimia and binge eating disorder have a lot in common. Both involve episodes of bingeing, and both can be associated with weight gain. But there are significant differences between these two common eating disorders.
Anorexia Facts & Myths: What You Need to Know
Anorexia is a very serious eating disorder that is plagued by a lot of misinformation online. For instance, many people think of anorexia as a condition affecting only women. But that isn’t true.
We’ve outlined some important anorexia facts and myths below and cover some tips on the best ways to avoid further misinformation when doing your own research online.
Anorexia & Hair Loss: What It Means
Anorexia and hair loss are connected, primarily due to the fact that nutrition plays a significant role in hair health.
As a person begins to radically alter their diet and eat less than the recommended amount of nutrients every day, they can develop a number of health symptoms, hair loss included.
Manorexia: Causes & Signs of Anorexia in Men
Manorexia is not an official medical term, but it is commonly used in the media to define anorexia in men.
Anorexia is an eating disorder that is characterized by distortions in body image, an obsession with weight, and significant food and/or calorie deprivation. Someone with anorexia often has serious food restriction.
Anorexia Mortality Rates
More than one person dies every hour as a result of an eating disorder, which equates to more than 10,000 deaths each year in the U.S. (1) Of all mental health disorders, eating disorders have the highest mortality rate. (2)
Anorexia Statistics – Gender, Race & Socioeconomics
An estimated 30 million people in the United States have had an eating disorder at some point in their lifetime. This equates to about 20 million women and 10 million men.
Anorexia & Gastroparesis
Gastroparesis is common in people with feeding and eating disorders like anorexia. Studies show that about half of those presenting with gastroparesis symptoms also show signs of a feeding or eating disorder.
Anorexiant Diet Pills
Anorexiant diet pills are often stimulant medications that are similar to amphetamines. As such, they have a high potential for abuse and are very habit-forming.
What Is ‘Extreme’ Anorexia?
Extreme anorexia is the most serious form of anorexia. It occurs when a person is severely underweight and malnourished from intentionally starving themselves to lower their weight.
The Relationship Between Anorexia & BMI
BMI (body mass index) is still one of the diagnostic tools for anorexia, but it is merely a height-to-weight ratio and not an accurate indicator of health. And people in higher weight bodies can also suffer from anorexia, yet are often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed because they’re not thin enough. So BMI should not be used to diagnose anorexia or assess health in any way. [1]
Anorexia Symptoms
Anorexia comes with physical, mental, and behavioral symptoms. People suffering from anorexia often fear gaining weight and restrict food and calorie intake. They have a distorted body image, and they are often underweight and malnourished.
Eating Disorder Hotlines
If you’re struggling with an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, you may want help but not know where to turn. But there are a number of eating disorder hotlines, which can help you get relevant information about eating disorder treatment, associated mental health issues, and more.
ANAD Eating Disorder Helpline: 1-630-577-1330
The Impact of Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Eating disorders are mental illnesses defined by abnormal dietary habits, such as eating excessively small or large amounts of food, that have the potential to cause major physical and mental problems. Most common eating disorders are anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder.
Binge Eating Helplines
Eating disorders are extremely damaging to your mental health because feelings of anxiety, shame, and guilt tend to build up and push you into isolation from your loved ones. Binge eating disorder (BED) is the most common eating disorder in the United States, yet, due to the social stigma attached to it, most people who have the disease do not seek the treatment they need. (1)
Types of Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are one of the most dangerous types of mental health disorder, responsible for an estimated 10,200 deaths every year. (1) There are a number of different types of eating disorders, which all impact people in different ways.