Guide to Cultivating a Healthy Body Image
The term “body image” can refer to several different ideas, including how you think about your body, how you feel about your appearance, and how you perceive your body size and shape.1 These factors can greatly affect your mental and physical health and overall well-being.
The Importance of Family During Eating Disorder Recovery
Eating disorders and family may not seem to go together. However, the involvement of family and loved ones in someone's eating disorder treatment and recovery can make a huge difference.
I Feel Dehydrated | Bulimia Symptoms of Concern
Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a serious mental health condition that can cause a number of physical, mental, and emotional complications. While some medical complications of bulimia nervosa are well-known, others, like dehydration, are less understood but can still be problematic.
Can You Be Anorexic and Fat, or “Overweight?”
It is possible for someone who presents as what is considered in our society to be “normal” or "healthy" weight, “overweight,” fat, or in a larger body to still struggle with anorexia nervosa (AN). So, can you be anorexic and overweight? The short answer is yes. This is currently called atypical anorexia nervosa.
Bulimia’s Effects on the Face & Cheeks
Bulimia can cause puffiness in the face as a result of purging, which can cause swelling in the parotid glands. While not dangerous, this swelling can sometimes cause pain and significantly affect a person’s facial aesthetic.
The Most Effective Treatments for Bulimia Nervosa
Bulimia nervosa (BN) is a serious mental health condition that can have dangerous and long-lasting impacts on physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It often manifests as cycles of binge eating and purging, which can lead to or support a number of other harmful symptoms.
Orthorexia vs. Anorexia | Is There a Comparison?
Eating disorders are dangerous mental health conditions that impact many aspects of psychological, physical, and emotional health. And while every disorder can manifest in different ways for everyone, it's important to know the differences between different eating disorders.
Causes of Anorexia & How to Prevent It
Anorexia nervosa is a complex, serious mental health condition that has many contributing biopsychosocial—or biological, psychological, and social—causes. These can include hormones, genetics, co-occurring mental health challenges, and societal attitudes about food, weight, fitness, and health, among others.
Symptoms of Bulimia Nervosa | Body Image Negativity
Body image is an important aspect of how we see ourselves and can contribute significantly to our mental and emotional well-being.
What ‘Thinspo’ Can Do to Your Mental and Physical Health
“Thinspo” is a dangerous trend of digital content that promotes the pursuit of thinness by endorsing problematic attitudes toward body image, fitness, and restrictive eating through the encouragement of disordered eating behavior.1 Thinspo content includes all forms of digital content, such as images, videos, and memes, and has become very common in social media.
The Effects of Not Eating
Periods of fasting have long been part of many religious, traditional, and cultural practices, but in recent years, the idea has become more widely adopted and used not as a spiritual tool but as a way to control diet and lose weight.